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February 14, 2022

Books with Music: Why I Made a Post-Rock Album for The Perfect Gray


art, book, fiction, literature, music, writing

Not counting a collection of short stories I recently wrote, The Perfect Gray is my most recent literary work. It’s a literary-fiction novel dealing with concepts such as conflicting emotions, empowerment, impossible choices, and risks. The book’s protagonist, Hecate, is basically carried through life like seaweed on the surf, coming and going without a destination of her own, until she meets a strange man. But what does all this have to do with books and music?

More still, as the subtitle reveals, why did I bother making a post-rock album for The Perfect Gray?

The quick answer is, because I wanted. The more elaborate answer is, because art is complex.

books with music
This is the cover of Hecate’s Dream, the post-rock album inspired by The Perfect Gray

Books and Music: Art Is Complex

There are no “kinds of art”. Art is art.

The truth is, I began playing some music, coming up with riffs, just for fun. I even went as far as composing a song – that turned out to be “The Falling Brightness”:

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Only after I’d finished making this, it hit me: I felt (that’s the only way art worth a damn can operate) that this music is related to The Perfect Gray. I don’t know why or how; it just decided it for itself. If books can write themselves, maybe they can also require the music they want for themselves.

Art is complex: It’s not meant to be understood, only obeyed.

Books and Music: A Post-Rock Rendering of Hecate’s Story

What followed was basically a post-rock/post-metal rendering of Hecate’s story. Someone who’s read the book will easily recognize the importance of titles such as:

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“The Island of Tidally Locked Bodies” is not only my favorite track of the album – honestly, it’s a wonderful soundscape – but also refers to my favorite part of the book. More still, I’m particularly happy with it because the music manages to convey what it feels like for Hecate to be there:

Suddenly I realize there’s something I really, really want to do. I feel that the whole world, the spinning eternities we just witnessed above us, have all conspired to bring me here, present me with this incredibly empowering decision.
I approach him and stand in front of him. “Sit down on the couch and close your eyes,” I command him, and he obeys. I take off my blue polo shirt and leave it on the table. Then I unhook my black bra and leave it on top of the shirt. Feeling bolder and stronger than I have ever been, I partially cup my breasts, covering my nipples with my fingers, leaving my tattoo exposed in its entirety.
“Okay, open your eyes,” I instruct him, and he once again does as I’ve asked. It takes him a brief moment of surprise to adjust, and then his eyes open wide in marvel. He comes a bit closer, looking at my tattoo the way one observes a precious gem.
“Oh wow,” he says and chuckles. “You were right, this is incredibly beautiful.”
We hold each other there, in the immortal temporal stream, yin and yang, our energies intertwined, two celestial bodies in tidal locking, as he’s staring at my tattoo, spellbound, and as I feel my magic powers are capable of the impossible – freezing the Stygian waters.

Running out of Options

For Hecate, the entire narrative is about running out of options – the process actually being a positive force in her journey. Perhaps unsurprisingly, considering this, but likely surprisingly for someone unfamiliar with the novel, the “Have You Run out of Options Yet” track is rather uplifting:

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Get both the Book and the Music – for Free

Hecate’s Dream is always accessible for free on its Bandcamp page – simply set “name your price” to zero (unless you want to support my art; in that case feel free to set some other amount).

And since creativity is holistic, as I said, here’s also a video I put together for “The Island of Tidally Locked Bodies”

Click to display the embedded YouTube video

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Most of my fiction is available as an immediate free download – simply visit the Fiction page on the main site. And remember, you can also just email me and ask for a free, no-strings-attached (e.g. review etc.) digital copy of any of my books.

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