November 24, 2024
Home For Fiction – The End
Yes, that’s exactly what it sounds like: It’s the end for Home for Fiction. I’m giving up. I feel I have nothing of value left to say.
More still, I’m at a place right now that I feel as if I’d never had anything of value to share. In other words, the entirety of all my posts, novels, music, apps, drawings, and anything else, feels entirely pointless.
It’s then more honest – to me, first and foremost – to simply stop here; sort of pretend none of this ever happened.
In more practical terms, I’ll leave the site online, at least for a while. The domain and hosting are already paid for some time into 2025, so we’ll see what happens next. If I’m still around, I might renew it…
«Η επιτυχία της αποτυχίας μ’ έχει τρελάνει» – Λεξ

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