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ChatGPT vs Gemini Turing Test: Hilarious but Insightful

August 12, 2024

I recently read The Emperor’s New Mind, by Roger Penrose, and a small part of it describes the (in)famous Turing test. In simple terms, it’s a process where a machine (typically a computer) can demonstrate intelligence (and, some would argue, consciousness) enough to be indistinguishable from a human’s. With such intelligent and mature – cough, cough – artificial intelligence models like the ones we have today, the hilarious idea materialized: I should stage a ChatGPT vs Gemini Turing test!

Both Alan Turing himself and Penrose in his book expected future computers to be able to pass the test. Turing referred to a 30% success rate by the year 2000, whereas The Emperor’s New Mind, published in 1989, mentions the year 2010. In any case, to me it seems Turing would certainly assume a large language model like ChatGPT or Google’s Gemini to pass the test.

I mean, it almost feels like magic: You ask it questions and it answers, seemingly “like a human”. Artificial intelligence can be an amazing tool – also for writers. But the whole concept behind a Turing test is to “unmask” artificiality. In other words, you only need one type of question to blow the computer’s cover.

And that’s what happened here. Hilariously, with the help of another computer!

ChatGPT vs Gemini Turing test: AI render of two cartoon computers facing each other
Since my topic is a ChatGPT vs Gemini Turing test, I might as well use an AI render to visualize it…

Simple Analytics that Respect Privacy: a How-To Guide

July 29, 2024

A programming post for today, but with a little twist. We’re not making a story planning program or an interactive fiction “game”. In a way, we’re not even making anything concrete – though I will share with you some code samples. Instead, we’ll take a more theoretical look at what I term simple analytics, with respect for privacy in the foreground.

As you perhaps recall, I recently revamped both the main Home for Fiction site and the blog itself. Doing so, one of the things I wanted to do was to completely eradicate all forms of privacy-invasive analytics. So I threw out Google Analytics as well as Jetpack analytics for WordPress.

Let’s take a look why and, mostly, what could one do if they’d like some simple form of stats/info that respects users’ privacy. I’ll also throw in a story about grandpas’ underwear for good measure – trust me, there is a connection hidden in there!

simple analytics; image of chair on Greek island
Simple analytics, Greek style!

Let’s Make a JavaScript Poetry Assistant

May 6, 2024

I’ll be honest with you: This JavaScript poetry assistant began as something meant entirely for my own use. I’m in the middle of a creative project (sneak preview: it’s relevant to Medēn), and I wanted something that would produce rhymes in real time. Indeed, the first name of this program was “Real Time Rhymer”.

Somewhere along the way, other things found their way into the program, all because I needed them. So eventually I realized, if I found this JavaScript poetry assistant useful, others might too.

Of course, the fact that it began as something I didn’t intend to share makes it a little bit Frankenstein-like. It works, but it’s a bit sloppily coded (for instance, some stuff work with jQuery, others with plain vanilla JavaScript). Its aesthetics are also a bit all over the place. And because I’m not going to spend more time working on the program itself, since I’ve got the functionality I wanted, I decided to simply share it. You can use it on this page, and the source code is also available if you want to play with it yourself.

javascript poetry assistant. Program screenshot