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What Is Cargo Cult Writing and Why It’s Damaging

September 27, 2021

A cargo cult is a belief system in which a group of people – typically indigenous tribes in contact with a technologically advanced culture – perform imitative rituals expecting a deity to offer them, too, the same technology. So far so good. But what about cargo cult writing?

Allow me first to talk a bit more about cargo cults, because the essence is important in understanding what is cargo cult writing and why it’s damaging to you as an author.

As Wikipedia informs us, although the phenomenon is older, it began to be noticeable in Pacific islands after WW2, when isolated cultures came in contact with American and Japanese expeditionary forces that arrived (by air) in great numbers and with advanced logistical support :

After the war, the soldiers departed. Cargo cults arose, attempting to imitate the behaviors of the soldiers, thinking that this would cause the soldiers and their cargo to return. […] Cult behaviors usually involved mimicking the day-to-day activities and dress styles of US soldiers, such as performing parade ground drills with wooden or salvaged rifles. The islanders carved headphones from wood and wore them while sitting in fabricated control towers. They waved the landing signals while standing on the runways. They lit signal fires and torches to light up runways and lighthouses.

The concept of a cargo cult is often used as a metaphor to describe any activity where one imitates something without understanding it, expecting the same result. In some vague sense, it’s a post-hoc fallacy. “I saw a black cat and then I tripped and fell. It’s the black cat’s fault, so I better avoid black cats”.

As for cargo cult writing, you might have already guessed it: It’s when an author imitates what others do without realizing why or how, expecting similar results. Let’s see the various ways this can happen, and how to avoid it.

cargo cult writing
“Ernest Hemingway used a typewriter, so I need to use one too if I want to be a successful writer”. This simplistic example of cargo cult writing might sound ridiculous (because it is), but other manifestations are more insidious

“Why Is Writing Hard?” and the Fallacy of Writer’s Block

September 20, 2021

The quotation marks around the title question, why is writing hard, should reveal that it’s a question many authors ask. Well, if we believe Google, at least. In any case, this is something I have also seen in private conversations.

To be fair, in such contexts the question is more implicit. That is, people don’t generally ask directly why writing is hard. Still, I have definitely detected such a mindset.

For instance, when I met an acquaintance after two or three years, he remembered I’d told him I was writing a book – that was Apognosis. “I can’t believe it,” he congratulated me, “you’ve written a book!”

I realized he’d thought I was writing my first book. Since I generally don’t advertise about my traditionally published past, people aren’t aware of it. I couldn’t resist teasing him a bit, so I said (which was the truth): “Actually, I’ve written another three since we last spoke”. You should’ve seen his face. The poor guy was looking at me as if I’d just told him I’d squared the circle.

So, why do people think writing is hard? More crucially, is writing hard? The answer is yes, but probably not for the reasons you suspect.

In this post I’ll try to answer why, in my opinion, indeed writing is hard, and why you should care as a writer (and perhaps reader). If our goal is to produce better literature, we need to know why it’s difficult.

writing is hard
Writing can be really hard when you have the wrong setup

What Setting Goblin Market to Music Taught Me about Writing Fiction

September 6, 2021

Recently, on a whim, I decided to set Christina Rossetti’s poem Goblin Market to music. I had a lot of fun doing that, as I expected. What I didn’t expect was that the experience would teach me something about writing fiction. But remember, art is holistic.

The reason I decided to share my experience of adapting Goblin Market to music is that it makes for an excellent teaching opportunity. In other words, I want to share with you what I learned from this, because I believe it can be very efficient for anyone interested in writing fiction.

At the end of this post, I’ll also share a link to the album, which you can stream or download for free.

goblin market music
Cover of the Goblin Market music album. The Focus Protocol is a lo-fi music vehicle for some of my artistic ideas