On a practical level, a lifestyle is a way of life, a set of habits and actions that guide one’s routine. Obviously, there are many methodological and even moral consequences. For example, a vegetarian lifestyle influences one’s choices of, say, food shopping, as well as their way of thinking about animals. Similarly, a creative lifestyle affects a person’s way of dealing – as well as thinking about – creative expressions.
Ultimately, a creative lifestyle is about building good habits: supporting a way of life that makes it easier to experience, find connections, and express them artistically.
I got inspiration for this post after I realized I’ve drawn more than 500 (at the time I write this text) Punning Walrus episodes in less than a year – starting basically from zero drawing skills. That means, on average, more than one per day. Some days I drew five or six, some days I didn’t draw any. This, too, is important as we’ll see.
Indeed, a creative lifestyle isn’t about being creative “no matter what”. Rather, it’s about including creativity as an integral part of your identity, resulting in creativity becoming not something you do but something you are.