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Resisting Fate (excerpts from To Cross an Ocean: Apognosis)

February 7, 2018

The other day, as I was writing the article on fate versus chance in Frankenstein, I realized something: the trope of resisting fate forms the backbone of many great tragedies and stories in general. Defying destiny, resisting fate, is perhaps the ultimate insolence humans can display.

As such, there is something immensely powerful in it. At first I began to write an article on the topic, until I realized that I… have already. An entire chapter of my novel To Cross an Ocean: Apognosis basically talks about the protagonist’s struggle regarding destiny, kismet, resisting fate or surrendering to it.

Is it better to submit to it and avoid further heartache, or should one attack it fiercely, be the result what may? Or, just perhaps, is the concept of fate nothing but a man-made illusion?

What follows is a word-for-word copy of the novel’s 15th chapter. I have only added the headlines, to make the text more suitable for the purposes of this blog.

resisting fate

Children and Sports: the Fallacy of Teamwork

February 5, 2018

Sports are considered very important for children’s development, and rightly so. Participating in such activities promotes healthy competition and a better understanding of one’s self. It also, supposedly, promotes teamwork. But there is a problem there, which I will refer to as the fallacy of teamwork: playing together and playing as a team are two very different aspects. Confusing them can lead to serious consequences in terms of parent-child relationship. It can also have negative consequences for a child’s development.

As I have mentioned before, experiencing is an integral part of being an author. You must see the world around you before you write. And so, I have learned to pay attention to seemingly unimportant events around me. Let me tell you two little stories that are related to today’s topic, the fallacy of teamwork.

fallacy of teamwork
Playing together and playing as a team are two vastly different concepts

Narrative Endings: How to Pick the Right One

February 3, 2018

They say that all good things must come to an end. I don’t believe in endings, as I don’t believe in beginnings. Blame my academic background, but I prefer to focus on duration and temporal chunks. Having said that, a novel has to end in some way, because there is a physical limit to how many pages you can put out there. But are narrative endings and physical endings one and the same? (Sneak preview: no)

In today’s post I’ll share with you an important secret about narrative endings: if you do things right, there’s one and only one ending that suits your book of fiction. I’ll give you the details below, but basically it goes like this: if you can’t pick that one ending, whether because it feels wrong or because you can’t find it, it means your structure is wrong. This might sound awful, but see the flip side of it: if your ending feels right, it usually means the entire narrative preceding it is also right.

narrative endings
There can be many narrative endings, but only one of them is ideal