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Two Weeks Visiting Lemnos (or, Taking a Shot at a Travelogue)

June 19, 2023

If you are reading these lines around the time this post went live, I’m enjoying the Greek summer sun having iced coffee on the beach. I’m visiting Lemnos, a Greek island in the north Aegean Sea, and I had a funny idea: How about if I wrote a travelogue – a form I’ve never written?

I’ll confess it right away: The reason I’ve never written a travelogue (as a blog post, let alone anything longer) is because I’m not interested in them. I don’t care about travelogues as a reader, either. But hey, it’s important to get out of your comfort zone every now and then, so I’ll give it a shot.

What’s in it for you?

Plenty of photos from a genuinely beautiful place, as well as intriguing details you almost certainly don’t know.

visiting Lemnos
The Old Man Cat and the Sea, Lemnos-style. The cats around the port know the exact time fishing trawlers return, and patiently await their arrival

A Summer Evening in Another World – Flash Fiction Stories

June 12, 2023

A Summer Evening in Another World is a collection of flash fiction stories I wrote in the span of two weeks some time ago. Flash fiction refers to stories that are shorter than short stories. Some stories might be as short as a single sentence, though on average, stories in A Summer Evening in Another World are about 500-600 words each.

In a way, with this collection I took much of what Tell Me, Mariner was about and overcharged it. Part metaphorical, part magical-realism, part Kafkaesque, the stories in this collection refer to experiencing, to society, to our individual (and collective!) place in the world.

flash fiction
A Summer Evening in Another World cover. Background art made with Bing Image Creator

Accumulating Cringe Theory (or, why It Sucks Growing Old)

June 5, 2023

If you think you’re about to read some grand existentialist revelation, let me stop you right there – or redirect you to Giacomo Leopardi. Accumulating Cringe Theory might sound fancy, but it’s just something I came up with in the middle of the night while trying to fall back asleep.

To be fair to my brain, the “what if” behind it was intriguing. The basic premise is: If we are embarrassed by our past behavior – think of the silly things you said as a teenager – doesn’t it follow that the older we get, the wider the expanse of this past?

In other words, as we get older and have more of a past to recall (often in a flawed manner), doesn’t it mean we have more embarrassing moments, too? I decided to call this accumulating cringe theory just to have a name for it. Is there anything valuable to discuss there? I’m finding out myself as I’m typing this very post.

cringe theory
Perhaps this not-to-be-taken-too-seriously cringe theory of mine could contain a clause for doing embarrassing stuff when you’re old