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What Setting Goblin Market to Music Taught Me about Writing Fiction

September 6, 2021

Recently, on a whim, I decided to set Christina Rossetti’s poem Goblin Market to music. I had a lot of fun doing that, as I expected. What I didn’t expect was that the experience would teach me something about writing fiction. But remember, art is holistic.

The reason I decided to share my experience of adapting Goblin Market to music is that it makes for an excellent teaching opportunity. In other words, I want to share with you what I learned from this, because I believe it can be very efficient for anyone interested in writing fiction.

At the end of this post, I’ll also share a link to the album, which you can stream or download for free.

goblin market music
Cover of the Goblin Market music album. The Focus Protocol is a lo-fi music vehicle for some of my artistic ideas

Are Story Dice Worth It? Yes, With an Important Caveat

August 23, 2021

Story dice are dice (either physical or digital) that have not numbers but icons. Options vary, but usually they are objects, characters, abstract ideas, and other such depictions. How do you use story dice as a writer? Simple: You roll them, then you try to come up with a story containing the icons you see.

Obviously, it’s your creativity and imagination that do virtually all of the work. Though story dice are essentially writing prompts, they can’t provide you with an actual story (duh!)

So, here’s the question of the post title: Are story dice worth it for a writer? The answer is (again, echoing the title) yes, story dice are worth it – but with an important caveat.

If you’re perceptive enough, you’ve surely realized what that is: You! Since story dice depend on the user’s creativity to “function”, they are as good or bad as the person rolling them. Still, it’s not quite as black-and-white. To put it another way, you can learn to use them better.

And so, in this post we’ll take a look at story dice and how to use them as a writer, to get intriguing new ideas for your stories. I’ll also have a little surprise for you at the end of this post!

story dice
Storytelling dice come in many forms, but the basic idea is the same: You get a set of random images and your creativity concocts a story

“1992” (Part II)– a Short Story

August 9, 2021

As you might remember from last week, “1992” is a short story I wrote recently, part of a literary project I’m working on.

Note: You might also be interested in knowing how this story was born. I’ve written a “behind the scenes” post about writing a short story, using “1992” as an example. Check it out!

1992 - a short story
“1992” is a short story featuring a character who is very special in my work: The Mariner