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Authors Talk: A Discussion with Jessica Titone

May 16, 2018

A Discussion with Jessica Titone: Introduction

This article is a part of a new series of blog entries, which I refer to as “Authors Talk”. You can think of it as an author interview and, indeed, that is the name of the blog category. However, I prefer to see it as a friendly chat between fellow authors. Today I’m having this virtual chat with Jessica Titone, author of Watermarked, a fine example of modern literary fiction (you can read my review of Watermarked here). A detailed list of useful links to Jessica Titone’s work can be found at the end of this article.

Jessica Titone

A Discussion with Jessica Titone: General

Chris Angelis: Let’s first hear a couple of words about you as an author. Give us some background information: what kind of books do you write, for how long have you been a writer, and anything else you think readers would find interesting.

Jessica Titone: I’m contemporary fiction writer by nature, currently dipping my toes in to test the waters of YA Fantasy. If reading were a sport, I would do it competitively, but I’m the slowest writer in the entire world. Probably because I suffer from rampant perfectionism.


Liam’s Walls (a Short Story)

April 21, 2018

I wrote the following short story in the span of two hours, one autumn afternoon. It was inspired by some news I’d received that had affected me. As I’ve said in the past, the birth of a text comes not from wanting to write, but from needing to write. Needless to say, the story is highly symbolic – hey, Kafka has been one of my influences, what do you expect?

short story

Authors Talk: A Discussion with Davyne DeSye

April 13, 2018

This article introduces a new series of blog entries, which I refer to as “Authors Talk”. You can think of it as an author interview and, indeed, that is the name of the blog category. However, I prefer to see it as a friendly chat between fellow authors. Today I’m having this virtual chat with Davyne DeSye, author of Carapace. If you’re a science fiction fan (and even if you aren’t), this novel is a must-read. Easily one of the best science fiction works I’ve read lately (you can read my review of Carapace here). A detailed list of useful links to Davyne DeSye’s work can be found at the end of this article.

Davyne DeSye