A Discussion with Jessica Titone: Introduction
This article is a part of a new series of blog entries, which I refer to as “Authors Talk”. You can think of it as an author interview and, indeed, that is the name of the blog category. However, I prefer to see it as a friendly chat between fellow authors. Today I’m having this virtual chat with Jessica Titone, author of Watermarked, a fine example of modern literary fiction (you can read my review of Watermarked here). A detailed list of useful links to Jessica Titone’s work can be found at the end of this article.

A Discussion with Jessica Titone: General
Chris Angelis: Let’s first hear a couple of words about you as an author. Give us some background information: what kind of books do you write, for how long have you been a writer, and anything else you think readers would find interesting.
Jessica Titone: I’m contemporary fiction writer by nature, currently dipping my toes in to test the waters of YA Fantasy. If reading were a sport, I would do it competitively, but I’m the slowest writer in the entire world. Probably because I suffer from rampant perfectionism.