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Planet Generator: A Tool for SciFi and Fantasy Authors

May 16, 2022

Astronomy is one of my hobbies, and I’m particularly intrigued by exoplanets – planets beyond our solar system. Combining this interest with my coding and writing experience, I thought to make this JavaScript Planet Generator program. Not only does it create graphical representations of such fascinating worlds, it also generates random civilizational data that might be helpful for science fiction and fantasy authors.

In other words, whether you’re a scifi/fantasy author looking for worldbuilding prompts, a programmer looking for inspiration and/or tips, or simply someone interested in the universe, there’s definitely something in Planet Generator that will interest you.

planet generator
Here’s how the results page of Planet Generator looks like

Authors Talk: David Maxwell

February 7, 2022

This post continues – after quite some time – the “Authors Talk” series. You can think of it as an author interview and, indeed, that is the name of the blog category. However, I prefer to see it as a friendly chat between fellow authors. Today I’m having this virtual discussion with David Maxwell, author of The Drift. A list of useful links to David’s work can be found at the end of this post.

David Maxwell The Drift
David Maxwell’s The Drift is a dystopian science fiction thriller

Worldbuilding in Fiction: a Guide

May 2, 2019

Today’s article is a result of a conversation I had with Francis Mont, author of House Arrest. We were talking about worldbuilding in fiction. Particularly, we were talking about the challenges involved in creating an imaginary setting for your science fiction novel.

And so, I decided to write this short guide to worldbuilding. If you’re a science-fiction, fantasy, and perhaps horror-fiction author, this post will interest you.

Interestingly enough, preparing this post required me to ponder on worldbuilding in fiction myself. As a literary-fiction author, I never really had to think about how to worldbuild. So, writing this post made for an interesting exercise.

worldbuilding in fiction
A guide on how to worldbuild your science fiction novel is not about architecture. It’s about culture and society.