Home For Fiction – Blog

for thinking people


“1992” (Part II)– a Short Story

August 9, 2021

As you might remember from last week, “1992” is a short story I wrote recently, part of a literary project I’m working on.

Note: You might also be interested in knowing how this story was born. I’ve written a “behind the scenes” post about writing a short story, using “1992” as an example. Check it out!

1992 - a short story
“1992” is a short story featuring a character who is very special in my work: The Mariner

“1992” (Part I)– a Short Story

August 2, 2021

Something a little different this time. “1992” is a short story I wrote recently, part of a literary project I’m working on. I divided the story into two parts. Self-evidently, this is the first one, and you’ll find the second one next week.

Note: You might also be interested in knowing how this story was born. I’ve written a “behind the scenes” post about writing a short story, using “1992” as an example. Check it out!

1992 - a short story
“1992” is a short story featuring a character who is very special in my work: The Mariner

Man Talk – a Short Story by a Reader

April 26, 2021

Today’s post, “Man Talk”, is a short story (offering fictional truths, I would add) authored by a reader of Home for Fiction, who would like to remain anonymous (their identity is known to me). I would not normally accept a text for publication under these conditions, but the nature of the text and the importance of its message compel me to make an exception.

“I want you to prove you’re a man”; “claim you’re a man”; “if you don’t do this, you’re not macho”; “you look like a faggot”.

Since childhood, a man loses decades of his life proving his masculinity. With friends at school, inside the house, on the street with the girls, in adulthood with the women and the booze friends.

He is tested in every moment. At the club or at the barbecue. On the sidewalk or at the stadium. Being a man is not natural, it is a conditioning. An endless test of intellectual testosterone. An incessant ordeal that begins in infantile fights and does not end with death.

man talk
“Man Talk” is a short story (a fictional truth, in a sense) by an anonymous reader