Just like success, the nature of ambition is misunderstood. In our material world, it mostly has to do with money and material possessions. Most people would define ambition as the drive to be successful. And in this limiting outlook, this invariably connotes material wealth. In other words, most people would understand ambition as the desire to get rich (or die tryin’). My reference to these… “lyrics” is not accidental, as we shall see in a while.
The nature of ambition is about going after the improbable
I wrote the following short story in the span of two hours, one autumn afternoon. It was inspired by some news I’d received that had affected me. As I’ve said in the past, the birth of a text comes not from wanting to write, but from needing to write. Needless to say, the story is highly symbolic – hey, Kafka has been one of my influences, what do you expect?
Suppose we’re in my living room, watching TV. We suddenly hear a peculiar noise, one we have never heard before. We are completely baffled about its origin. “It must be a unicorn flying over the house,” I say. “Get out of here!” you reply. “Well, do you have another explanation?” I retort. You shake your head, at loss for words. “Then I’m right, it’s a unicorn,” I say. Welcome to the only game in town fallacy.
Just because you have no better explanation for something, it doesn’t mean the only one is also the correct one
The only game in town fallacy is essentially a placeholder. It is not a valid argument, because it is nothing more but an ad hoc explanation. In other words, it’s something you come up with to simply avoid saying “I don’t know”. The idea of divinity is essentially nothing more but the only game in town fallacy. “God did it” – another version is “Aliens did it”.