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Review of A Perfect Crime

March 28, 2018

I haven’t read much Chinese literature, so finding a library copy of A Yi’s A Perfect Crime seemed like a good choice for some casual afternoon reading. I discovered that A Yi worked as a police officer for a few years before becoming a writer, so a crime novel by a former police officer came off as promising. The description left little to imagination: a Chinese teenager decides to kill someone, and he murders a schoolmate of his. Subsequently, he leaves town.

a perfect crime

Public Healthcare Value: Beyond Ratings

March 25, 2018

In an older article, talking about the definition of success, I’d talked about the obsession we have with measuring. Your camera is this many megapixels, while your stereo system is this many megawatts. A tablet has this much memory, while the computer has this much storage capacity. All these are good and nice, until we confuse measurement with quality. Today I want to talk about public healthcare value.

Inspiration for this article came after I noticed something peculiar: Google allows ratings for public hospitals, as if they were books, cinemas or restaurants. That, in my opinion, is bizarre to say the least. Moreover, it is plagued with aspects of ideology – far exceeding the scope of this article, but you know, food for thought…

public healthcare value

The Other Side of Dreams (New Literary Fiction Novel)

March 19, 2018

OK, picture this: you’ve just won the lottery. Imagine the feeling of unreality pervading you, the surreal knowledge that your wildest dreams are becoming true. Now, what if I told you that no fate is worse than seeing your dreams come true? Welcome to The Other Side of Dreams, my newest literary fiction novel.

The Other Side of Dreams is a book following my tradition of literary fiction novels that focus on the individual. If you take a look at my Goodreads profile, you will see that my work revolves around the themes of the repressed past, the impossibility of choices, flawed men and determined women. That was the blueprint for To Cross an Ocean: Apognosis and it is for The Other Side of Dreams as well. Furthermore, although this newest novel can be read completely independently from Apognosis, the reader will encounter some familiar faces and settings.

the other side of dreams