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Why and How I Made Up a Literary Agent

January 2, 2023

Quite a provocative title, you must admit. It’s true, I essentially made up a literary agent when I couldn’t find one. The problem is, it worked… sort of.

Much of our existence – as creators and generally – is ambiguous and self-contradictory. People are complex beings, there are no simple answers. And so, though I’ve generally disowned my past as a published author, at the same time I still use the designation on Amazon, Goodreads, and such platforms. I also use it in the introductory pages of my books. It’s supposed to be some sort of sign of merit.

This is all bullshit, of course. 

I’m only playing a part doing that; it’s the persona of a writer selling a book. I don’t really believe being a published author means anything in terms of quality. By the way, I also mention I have a PhD in English literature, but I don’t think that means much either

It’s all a performance; theatrics.

Which is the topic of today’s story, too: Why and how I made up a literary agent. This is something very few people know (perhaps as few as three: the “agent”, the publisher, and myself). I’ll talk about the why’s and how’s, as well as the aftereffects. This should reveal to us a few things about the publishing industry.

made up a literary agent
When I made up a literary agent, I thought I was smartly creating a hole to let light in. I didn’t like what I saw…

5 Most Popular 2022 Posts – and 2 that Are Sad

December 26, 2022

2022 is almost over. The truth is, I don’t really see anything special about the end of the year (or the beginning of a new one). It’s just an arbitrary limit marking another revolution around the sun. But I’m fully ready to opportunistically take advantage of it and offer a list of the 5 most popular 2022 posts on Home for Fiction.

At the same time, I’d like to share with you 2 posts that haven’t received the attention I believe they deserve. Let’s rectify this in 2023!

popular 2022 posts
Whenever I don’t want to spend time finding a more relevant photo, you get a cat

Teach Literature the Right Way

December 19, 2022

The title of this post might make you think it’s not relevant to you if you’re not a literature teacher or a writing advisor. Not so fast. Though in this post I indeed share with you how to teach literature the right way – based on 12 years of university experience – the lessons are highly revealing to everyone who’s interested in literature.

If you’re a writer, you want better readers.

If you’re a reader, you want better books to read.

And of course, if you indeed teach literature – at any level and in any capacity, be it a college teacher or simply running a local book club – you will find plenty of interesting tips here. As I often say, I don’t claim to have the best (let alone the only) solutions. But my advice is honest, not trying to please audiences or sponsors (which I don’t have any).

I’ve divided the post into 3+1 short sections: The first three describe the foundations of how you could approach teaching literature to others; what goals to set, what methods to use, what to expect. The fourth one is a list of practical tips, based on my long and painful experience – as a student as well as a teacher.

teach literature
Keeping students engaged is a major element in teaching literature successfully. It’s really hard to learn anything when you’re bored and would rather be anywhere else than in that room, with someone blabbering all the time