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How to Write a Short Story: Examples of Structure and Intent

November 15, 2021

A short story is not just “a little novel”. In other words, short stories – despite their misleading name – are not about length. Rather, compared to novels, short stories are a different format altogether, with unique requirements and different dynamics. The trick in understanding how to write a short story lies precisely in comprehending these requirements and dynamics.

As I often say, fiction is not about telling a story but about instigating an emotional response. It’s about affect, not plot. Short stories aren’t different regarding that. However, what differs is the way there.

To put it simply, a novel with a word count of 80,000 words or more has a certain flexibility in its expansion. In other words, although narrative pace and the overall balance are something to keep an eye on, a novel is more forgiving in terms of digressions.

This is certainly not the case with a short story.

As a result, the way to learning how to write a short story that “delivers” passes through structure and the associated intent. We’ll look at these in more detail in this post, together with examples that can show you how to pack the optimal power in your short stories.

how to write a short story
“How to write a short story?” The answer is, by focusing on structure and intent, though in an affect-based (rather than plot-based) way

What Setting Goblin Market to Music Taught Me about Writing Fiction

September 6, 2021

Recently, on a whim, I decided to set Christina Rossetti’s poem Goblin Market to music. I had a lot of fun doing that, as I expected. What I didn’t expect was that the experience would teach me something about writing fiction. But remember, art is holistic.

The reason I decided to share my experience of adapting Goblin Market to music is that it makes for an excellent teaching opportunity. In other words, I want to share with you what I learned from this, because I believe it can be very efficient for anyone interested in writing fiction.

At the end of this post, I’ll also share a link to the album, which you can stream or download for free.

goblin market music
Cover of the Goblin Market music album. The Focus Protocol is a lo-fi music vehicle for some of my artistic ideas

Review of Restitution by Brandt Ryan

June 21, 2021

Disclaimer: I read the play Restitution, by Brandt Ryan, in a professional capacity. In other words, I received remuneration to do so in order to offer feedback. This has not affected this review, which is entirely independent, my own initiative, and a result of my having found the text impressive.

Restitution, by Brandt Ryan, is a one-act play. It takes place on the platform of a New York subway station, late at night, in the summer of 1990. The title of the play alludes to restitution payments claimed by Jewish survivors of World War II, and is also a thematic element in the story.

The play involves two young grifters, Figgy and Margot, who are anxiously awaiting for someone to arrive in order for their swindling plan to take form. While waiting for the arrival of this person – a street performer being the only other presence on the platform – they discuss the details of their con, reflecting on ethics as well as practical dangers involved.

That’s basically all you need to know before entering the world of the play. Because the characters take over immediately, creating an engaging, dynamic story.

Restitution, a play in one act