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Despair or Apognosis (excerpts from To Cross an Ocean)

January 1, 2018

“Apognosis” – besides forming part of the title of To Cross an Ocean: Apognosis – means something very unique. As you might guess, it is a Greek work (Απόγνωσις), fairly common in Greek. It basically means “despair”, but its etymology is revealing. Apognosis literally means to willingly abandon knowledge. Although I didn’t coin the original word, I would claim its first usage in the English language.

But what does the phrase “to willingly abandon knowledge” could possibly refer to? How can you pretend not to know something? Instead of offering a long philosophical diatribe on the matter, I’ll have two of the characters of the novel do the hard work. That’s one of the roles of fiction, anyway: to make complex issues accessible and relatable.

Despair, apognosis
Come home, all is forgiven…

The Grownup Paradox – Am I still a Child?

December 31, 2017

I remember it very vividly: when I was a kid, it really felt there was a threshold between me and the grownups; a curtain, separating me from, presumably, all my hopes, dreams, and desires. I characteristically remember thinking that there would come one day when I would be a grownup. But there is a paradox awaiting there, which I will refer to as the grownup paradox.

grownup paradox
Can grownups play in the sand?

The Devolution of Video Games: Perspectives on Patience

December 29, 2017

Today’s topic focuses on the devolution of video games. Now, If I start talking about the video games of my childhood, you might think I’m planning to talk about nostalgia.

Undeniably, if I start talking about such computers as the Spectrum 128k, the Commodore 64, and the Amstrad CPC 6128, some older people will feel a sweet tingling in their hearts. Anyone over 35 years old has certainly heard of MatchDay II, Renegade, R-Type, or Ghosts ‘n Goblins.

In actual fact, however, today’s post will have more to do with something else. If you remember this article, I drew parallels between the expressions of mediocrity that frustrate modern life and the lack of patience displayed by modern people.

The video game evolution is a proper term only when the topic is approached from a technical perspective. Conversely, if you focus on society and culture, we should be talking about video game devolution.

devolution of video games
If you recognize this, congratulations; you’ve had a happy videogame childhood. In a framework related to the devolution of video games, it seems the more complex and easily accessible games become, the more devolved they are.