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Death Is a Perspective: from Epicurus to Schopenhauer

July 6, 2019

To say that death is a perspective might at first sound bizarre. The fear of death must be among the most powerful fears humans experience during their life (think about the irony for a second).

Whether that fear is rational or not, it’s something we’ll need to talk about. We also need to ponder on what we mean by “fear of death”. Do we refer to our death or others’? Do we refer to death or dying?

All these are valid questions – albeit, questions most people bypass as too inconvenient. These, too, are parts of the “death is a perspective” thesis. But there’s much more to it.

death is a perspective
Death is a perspective: it depends on the observer

The Nature of Stress Is Temporal

May 28, 2018

OK, imagine you’re walking along a peaceful sidewalk. It’s a lovely afternoon, the sun caresses your face. You feel the scent of geraniums floating in the air. Then all of a sudden, you hear a snapping sound coming from above. You look up and you see a large piano falling toward you. You step aside at the last moment before it kills you. And you’ve just gotten a bag full of interesting stuff: trauma, fear, and stress. They’re not identical, but they have something in common: time. Let’s talk about the nature of stress.

nature of stress
The nature of stress is temporal

Fear, Nonconformity, and Action

February 12, 2018

A – formerly metal 😉 – Swedish band sings “fear is the weakness in all of us”. But they’ve got it wrong. It’s not fear that is the weakness; it’s what it pushes us to do (or not). We mostly do something we wouldn’t (or leave undone something we’d like to) because of our fear of nonconformity. Usually we are deathly afraid of doing something unexpected. We are paralyzed in the thought of doing something our parents and teachers, our peers and society, wouldn’t anticipate. Fear, nonconformity, and action are all interconnected.

fear, nonconformity, inaction
Fear is not the problem. But conditioning is.