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Colors in Writing: How To Use Them in Your Novel

June 28, 2019

Vision is one of our most important senses. We use our eyes to interact with much of the world around us. Unsurprisingly, colors reveal a vast universe of beauty and meaning. Why should they be absent from your fiction? Colors in writing are far more important than many authors give them credit for.

Since colors are so important in our everyday life, it’s only natural that we respond to them in fiction, too—ῥοδοδάκτυλος Ἠώς; Eos rhododactylos, rosy-fingered Dawn, says Homer.

colors in writing
Colors in writing often convey rich symbolic meanings

My personal favorite from modern English literature is a description in Pamela Zoline’s “The Heat Death of the Universe”, referring to a land that, like California(!) is “Cunt Pink and Avocado Green”.

Learning how to use colors in your writing can add significant depth to your fiction. So, let’s get started!


Why Do People Make Reaction Videos?

October 14, 2018

Go to YouTube and type “Reaction Video” in the search box. Alternatively, make it specific and type “reaction video” plus the name of your favorite band. Or your favorite basketball player. Or the trailer of a movie you like. You’ll find tons (depending on the popularity of the topic) of what is known as a reaction video. That is, a video of a person’s reaction watching another video. But why do people make reaction videos?

More importantly, what does making a reaction video tell us about society?

reaction videos
Reaction videos are a form of societal interaction

The Nature of Stress Is Temporal

May 28, 2018

OK, imagine you’re walking along a peaceful sidewalk. It’s a lovely afternoon, the sun caresses your face. You feel the scent of geraniums floating in the air. Then all of a sudden, you hear a snapping sound coming from above. You look up and you see a large piano falling toward you. You step aside at the last moment before it kills you. And you’ve just gotten a bag full of interesting stuff: trauma, fear, and stress. They’re not identical, but they have something in common: time. Let’s talk about the nature of stress.

nature of stress
The nature of stress is temporal