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Superstitious People and the Meaning of Life

January 24, 2018

The title (“Superstitious People and the Meaning of Life”) might come off as hopelessly pompous. Let me assure you that you will not find answers about the meaning of life in this article 😛

First of all, let’s start with the basics: what do we mean by superstitious people? And then we will have to deal with the crux of the matter: why are there superstitious people?

A superstitious person is one who perceives a connection that is non-causal between two events. In simpler terms, a superstition is the belief that event A causes event B, although there is no apparent link between them.

For example, an evident causal connection (a causal link, in other words) is that between accidentally dropping a glass of water, then seeing the floor wet and full of glass shards. Your dropping the glass (event A) has caused the state of the floor (event B). Sometimes a causal link can be more complex, such as in the linkage between thunder and rain. There can be thunder without rain, as there can be rain without thunder. But if there is thunder followed by rain, there is an obvious connection between the two events.

superstitious people
Me? Unlucky? Get outta here!

“Is This Book Good? Or Is It Boring?”

January 21, 2018

Browsing around Goodreads, I noticed something interesting. In a discussion on a famous novel, someone asked: “Is this book good? Or is it boring?” I must admit, I was taken aback quite a bit by this question. I have seen questions like this before, as I have seen questions like “do you like my poem?” or “Is this a good photo, do you like it?”

This is a fundamental error that can lead to some serious misunderstandings. More crucially (and depressingly) it tells me that the average person doesn’t really understand anything about art. Perhaps partly because they were never taught how to. Our “education” systems promote not critical thinking but regurgitation of ideas; not compartmentalized meta-thought (multi-layer thinking about the process of thinking) but repetition. Welcome to the wonderful world of mediocrity

is this book good
“Is this book good?” Maybe a silly horse can answer that silly question

Collective Responsibility in the Era of Idiocy

December 30, 2017

In a previous article, I spoke of idiocy of a particular kind, that of people who are too self-centered to bother about the world around them. Of course, this kind of idiocy and selfishness also leads to mediocrity. Furthermore, there is a certain paradox in the phrase “the world around them”: it implies a certain separation between those people and their environment. This is obviously untrue. These people’s decisions and actions (or, rather, inaction), affect their environment, a fact which in turn affects them too. And still they remain apathetic and refuse to take responsibility.

The problem is, since we all occupy the same world – and in our era of globalization it is impossible to truly become isolated – even those who do think and act, and are responsible, are also affected.

You may think you’re separate from your environment. You’re not.