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Conceptualizer: a Free Story Planning Program

January 23, 2023

There are fiction authors who need to plan every, single, detail in advance – they’re called “plotters”. Then there are writers who write by their seat of their pants – hence they’re called “pantsers”. In reality, most authors fall somewhere in-between. The truth is, we all need some degree of planning for most works (except perhaps stream-of-consciousness or heavily experimental). And so, we could all benefit from a story planning program.

As with everything I make – programs, books, or blog posts – the intended audience of Conceptualizer, my free story planning program, was first and foremost myself. That is, I started to make a story planner because I felt I could benefit from one. I’m certainly not a plotter (though not a pantser either), but I like to keep some sort of notes regarding what will happen when.

And so, perhaps ironically, this sort of selfishness can be very useful to you, too! Let’s take a look at Conceptualizer, what it does and how it works, and at the end of this post I’ll include a link for you so that you can try it for free.

story planning program
Here’s the Display Mode of this story planning program I made – showing the demo story it “ships” with, which is none other than The Perfect Gray. The idea is to have a structured flow that shows how one piece of the story leads to checkpoints that come together to form the bigger picture.

Fantasy Language Generator: Create a Language in Seconds

October 10, 2022

Yboa Haeinaeiki Igiovalu. This means Fantasy Language Generator in… Sicrespind – a fantasy language I created with the help of my academic background, my creativity, and some JavaScript. If you’re a fantasy fiction author – or simply someone interested in a program that creates an entire language in a matter of seconds – this post is for you!

Fantasy Language Generator generates made-up words corresponding to the 30,000 most common English words, at the same time creating its own linguistic patterns – for instance, its own set of suffixes, prefixes, tense and noun markers, among others. I’ll show you more examples in this post.

All this can be extremely useful to fantasy fiction authors interested in creating a coherent, consistent fantasy language.

fantasy language generator
Fantasy Language generator comes with a detailed “How to Use” page

Fiction Sentiment Analysis: Examples and Methods

September 19, 2022

The term “sentiment analysis” in the contexts of texts refers to a program (to put it simply) that detects emotions in a text. A typical application is for detecting whether clients are happy or angry, but large-scale analysis – for instance, analyzing tweets – can also give a sense of public opinion on a matter. I’m not interested in any of that. Instead, I wanted to experiment with fiction sentiment analysis.

What kind of applications could it have? How difficult is it to implement?

That’s what we’ll be looking at in this post. Though I’ll offer you details and links along the way, I’ll also keep it accessible to a lay audience. Whether you’re a beginner/intermediate programmer looking for ideas, or simply someone interested in seeing the possibilities, there’s something here that will interest you.

Sneak preview: I’ll also share with you a link to my program, so that you can perform a fiction sentiment analysis on your novel or short story!
