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Accidental Creativity: The Undead Muse

April 10, 2023

First things first: The Undead Muse is the title of my most recent music album that, like the rest of the music that I make, is an exploration of postrock and postmetal music. As the title of the album reveals, there are Gothic elements in there – Gothic fiction, that is; not Gothic metal! We’ll talk about all that too, but there is another focus in this post: what I term accidental creativity.

Many writers will likely relate to the concept of accidental creativity, and will immediately understand what I’m getting at. Still, here’s a quick definition: I use the term accidental creativity to refer to artistically creating something that isn’t what you intended.

We’ll need to further revise this – and include some philosophical speculation; for instance, is there anything but accidental creativity? And allow me this little indulgence of combining this with a presentation of this newest album, which I really enjoyed making and really enjoy listening to.

accidental creativity
Album art of The Undead Muse

Books with Music: Why I Made a Post-Rock Album for The Perfect Gray

February 14, 2022

Not counting a collection of short stories I recently wrote, The Perfect Gray is my most recent literary work. It’s a literary-fiction novel dealing with concepts such as conflicting emotions, empowerment, impossible choices, and risks. The book’s protagonist, Hecate, is basically carried through life like seaweed on the surf, coming and going without a destination of her own, until she meets a strange man. But what does all this have to do with books and music?

More still, as the subtitle reveals, why did I bother making a post-rock album for The Perfect Gray?

The quick answer is, because I wanted. The more elaborate answer is, because art is complex.

books with music
This is the cover of Hecate’s Dream, the post-rock album inspired by The Perfect Gray

What Setting Goblin Market to Music Taught Me about Writing Fiction

September 6, 2021

Recently, on a whim, I decided to set Christina Rossetti’s poem Goblin Market to music. I had a lot of fun doing that, as I expected. What I didn’t expect was that the experience would teach me something about writing fiction. But remember, art is holistic.

The reason I decided to share my experience of adapting Goblin Market to music is that it makes for an excellent teaching opportunity. In other words, I want to share with you what I learned from this, because I believe it can be very efficient for anyone interested in writing fiction.

At the end of this post, I’ll also share a link to the album, which you can stream or download for free.

goblin market music
Cover of the Goblin Market music album. The Focus Protocol is a lo-fi music vehicle for some of my artistic ideas