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How to Write Realistic Characters

June 15, 2019

How to write realistic characters is something most fiction writers worry about. This is for good reason. Writing realistic characters, with realistic dialogues and inner worlds, is the key to writing realistic fiction.

Of course, before seeing how to write realistic characters, you should perhaps ask yourself whether it’s necessary for your novel to have realistic characters.

You might find that question a bit odd. Surely, what’s wrong with realistic characters? Why would anyone not want to write realistic characters?

We’ll take a look at this little detail, too. Sneak preview: it has to do with what I mentioned above, referring to “writing realistic fiction”.

how to write realistic characters
To know how to write realistic characters, you must think like they do, understanding all the nuanced subtleties of their thought processes

After we get that out of the way, I’ll give you concrete tips on how to write realistic characters. Here’s another sneak preview: To write realistic characters, with believable dialogues and rich inner worlds, you must think like them, individually.


What Is Solipsism, in Simple Terms

February 13, 2019

What is solipsism? In simplified terms, solipsism is the philosophical hypothesis which affirms that you know nothing outside your own mind.

You might have heard of cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am), by René Descartes. Solipsism is a parallel proposition. However, the repercussions of what solipsism affirms are more interesting.

what is solipsism
Simplified, solipsism says you are the only thing that exists, and everything else is just created by your mind for your sake