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How to Deal with Incompetence: The Role of Malice

July 3, 2023

You might have seen some memes going around claiming “Idiots, everywhere!” or something of the sort. As George Carlin famously said, imagine how dumb the average person is, then realize half of them are even dumber. But to deal with incompetence (which isn’t quite the same as stupidity, which isn’t quite the same as ignorance), we need to also take something else into consideration: the role of malice.

There is a world of difference between an incompetent person who, still, has good intentions, and one who is malevolent. In other words, the saying “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” is seriously misleading.


But because benevolent incompetence will want to rectify its repercussions, whereas malevolent will not even recognize there is a problem.

Let’s try to categorize all this and come up with a theoretical framework, to see where (if anywhere!) it gets us.

deal with incompetence cats
“Let me handle this, Jim” (as I’ve said before, whenever I don’t want to spend much time finding a more suitable image, you get a cat; this time, you get two)

The Difference Between Ignorance and Stupidity

July 12, 2021

Are stupidity and ignorance synonymous? Perhaps in some contexts, but the answer must be “no”. There is a clear difference between ignorance and stupidity, and understanding this difference can inform our interaction with other people. This is especially the case when this interaction happens online.

The reason I’m writing this post is – as any other – entirely selfish. I mean, don’t get me wrong: I’m happy if you can find something useful in Home for Fiction posts. But I’m writing them for myself. And so, a post on the difference between ignorance and stupidity serves as a reminder to myself; a conceptual compass that can help me navigate the frustrating reality surrounding me.

As I mentioned in an online discussion, I’ve reached an age where I have precisely zero tolerance for stupidity and dogmatism. However – and this I didn’t mention in that discussion – I still tolerate ignorance. Tolerating ignorance while fiercely distancing myself from stupidity is the only way – for me at least – to fight against stupidity while remaining relatively sane.

difference between ignorance and stupidity
This cat impatiently waits to hear about the difference between ignorance and stupidity (hey, any post is better with a cat photo)