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How a Writer Can Be Immune to Criticism

August 28, 2023

Reading negative criticism – worse still: mere ratings – about something you made isn’t easy. Few people want to hear they’ve failed (though failure is an intriguing concept), and writers are no exception. An author who has spent endless hours and effort writing a book understandably feels dejected reading “I didn’t like it”. Is there a way for a writer to be immune to criticism?

The answer is yes, otherwise (self-evidently) this post wouldn’t exist. However, there are a couple of caveats we need to get out of the way:

  • A writer can be immune to criticism, but this does nothing for the criticism itself. In other words, what an author has control over is their own reaction. What others feel reading that piece of criticism, or whether any shortcomings the criticism describes are valid or not is beyond the scope of the post.
  • As a term, immunity might connote total defense. However, since we’re dealing with psychological reactions and strategies, immunity is very subjective and also not quantifiable. In other words, to become, as a writer, immune to criticism doesn’t necessarily mean you will be 100% carefree and not care about it.

And so, with this in mind, in this post I’ll share with you some strategies so you, as a writer, can become immune to criticism. As I said, these strategies are psychological and describe your own reaction toward any criticism.

writer immune criticism
Do it like cats! They aren’t deterred by criticism, and they even pretend whatever it is they’re criticized for was part of the plan anyway

When My First Book Was Rejected

August 21, 2023

Recently, searching through boxes containing ancient paperwork, I found the manuscript of my very first novel! Unsurprisingly, it was also my first book to be rejected.

Though this was ages ago – we’re talking late 90s – I still remember plenty of things about that experience. Perhaps some factual details are a bit different (memory is a tricky thing when it comes to that), but I certainly remember the “how it felt” part very well. In any case, I certainly don’t intend to read such a super-cringe old thing.

So join me in this hilarious trip of recollection, where the road to literary hell was paved with good intentions, and let’s make fun of my naïveté!

donkey; book rejected
“What do you mean, ‘book rejected?’ There must be some mistake!”

“A Summer Evening in Another World” (Short Story)

August 14, 2023

If you are are reading this short story on or around the day it went live (and you live in the northern hemisphere), you are reading it on a summer day – and maybe evening. Quite by default, you are reading it “in another world”, because each one of us constructs their very own individual universe in terms of perception: You are the center of the world because that is the only way you can experience whatever “out there” reality that exists.

Fancy linguistic and conceptual wizardry aside, this is a short story I wrote in a sunny afternoon in April. As it often happens in art (certainly in my art), it contains plenty of references to experiences and things uniquely meaningful to me but which are entirely opaque to you. It’s “another world”, but one you can perhaps still see forming tangents with your own.

As it should also be fairly obvious, considering the title of this story, it’s part of my eponymous flash fiction collection, A Summer Evening in Another World.

Most of my fiction is available as an immediate free download – simply visit the Fiction page on the main site. And remember, you can also just email me and ask for a free, no-strings-attached (e.g. review etc.) digital copy of any of my books.

another world
Another world awaits me…