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Coffee Trilogy (Short Stories)

March 22, 2021

These short stories – some would refer to them as “flash fiction” – with the collective title “Coffee Trilogy”, are authored by Igor da Silva Livramento, friend and fellow writer, academic, and creative-writing advisor. He’s also a composer, music theorist, and producer. You can find him on LinkedIn, and also take a look at his blog and his page on Bandcamp.

Oh, and if you’re looking for my own coffee musings, well, you know what to do.

coffee trilogy
Coffee trilogy: coffee, coffee, coffee!

The Perfect Gray – New Literary Fiction Novel

October 12, 2020

So, here we are… A new literary-fiction novel – though, hey, what’s so “novel” about a novel? The Perfect Gray is a project I began almost as an exercise. The idea came soon after I wrote the post on concept fiction. Quite frankly, I had absolutely no plan in mind regarding plot or characters, which of course is the whole point behind concept fiction.

At 70,000 words, The Perfect Gray is within the usual range of literary fiction word counts, yet I still find it a bit surprising how little it took me to complete it – about 5 weeks.

What is it about? I’ll let one of the character in The Perfect Gray to answer that:

It’s always hard for writers to tell you what their book is about. But I think you’ll like it.

perfect gray

A Poem for the Fall (excerpt from the Self versus Self Project)

August 12, 2019

I know, I know, it’s still summer. At least in some parts of the world. In the southern hemisphere August is the last month of winter. And in Finland, summer is the time of the year that it can be sizzling hot or snowing. It’s all a mater of perspective. This is what this poem for the fall conveys.

Note: what follows is an excerpt from my Self Versus Self project, that contains a narrative poem and a literary-fiction novel. It’s not available for sale, but see the bottom of this post for info on how to download it for free.

poem for the fall
Fall can be a time of melancholy; or elation. It’s all a matter of perspective. This is what this poem for the fall attempts to convey