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Plot Is Overrated, so Write what Matters

March 7, 2018

I often go to Amazon’s Best-Sellers List to find free Kindle eBooks. The problem is, as I explained in my article on the supply and demand of writing fiction, that there is simply too much noise out there. That is, too many mediocre works.

“Hang on!” someone might say. “How on earth can you tell a book is mediocre simply by reading its description?” Well, you can if you’re experienced enough. A long, divulging description usually tells me that the author is preoccupied with the plot. But plot is overrated, grossly so.

Furthermore, bear in mind that long descriptions usually reveal something else, too. A long description is usually a sign of an author who has concocted a plot so convoluted, that it requires a long description to make sense to the prospective reader. Too complex a plot is hard to write and harder to read. Here’s what most inexperienced authors don’t realize:

All plots have been devised already. There is nothing new under the sun. There is no original story by virtue of its plot.

So, if a writer shouldn’t place too much emphasis on the plot, where then? If plot is overrated, what are good novels based on?

plot is overrated
This is what an inexperienced writer’s plot looks like. If this image looks familiar, you’ve probably seen it on my article explicating the chaos of meaning

Coffee, Summer Afternoons, and Greece

March 6, 2018

Today’s article is more like a stream-of-consciousness exercise. Expect it to be nonsensical, incoherent, or just simply obscure. If it has to have a topic, let that be coffee, summer afternoons, and Greece. I can’t begin to describe how many memories, thoughts, and feelings this deceptively innocent combination brings to me. These musings I called “timeless”, but I don’t mean that figuratively. I mean it literally: these musings, in actual fact, are outside time altogether.

They are timeless because they are connected neither casually nor temporally, but through affect, meaning, and… coffee. I said in my article on timelessness and experience:

There is an abstract reality hidden beyond the – largely illusory – veil of time, which connects you as a child to you as an adult. It also connects both those “yous” with all other “yous” that have or will ever have existed.

coffee, summer afternoons, Greece
Greek coffee; a grain of sand of the beach which is my memories

How to Pick a Title for Your Novel

March 4, 2018

As a fiction author, perhaps finding a title for your novel isn’t very difficult. After all, quite often writers begin with the title as a first thing. Of course it might later change, but rarely does a writer work for long on something called “untitled”. However, picking just any title and picking the right title can be two crucially different things. There are several aspects that affect your choice of a book title, and today we’ll talk precisely about that. In this article, I’ll show you how to pick a title for your novel.

First we’ll see what makes a title good or bad, and what “good” means in this context. Then I’ll give you some concrete tips on finding the perfect title for your book. There are basically good news and bad news: The good news is that only you can know whether a title for your book is the right one. You will just know it, once you think of it. The bad news, maddeningly enough, is that… only you can know whether a title for your book is the right one. I will show you the how’s and why’s on how to pick a title for your novel, but the choice can only be yours.

How to Pick a Title for Your Novel
Finding a title for your book can be difficult. Recommendations can assist, but nobody but you knows when the right title quasi-magically has arrived