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Binary Dilemmas: What They Are and how to Avoid Them

February 22, 2021

Binary dilemmas are dilemmas that force you to choose either of two options. You could argue the term “binary dilemma” is somewhat redundant, in the sense that a dilemma usually only involves two options.

However, this is not always true; you could be facing a dilemma between wearing a red, a blue, or a white t-shirt. More importantly, I deploy the term “binary dilemma” to emphasize the particular social dynamics involved: Binary dilemmas are insidiously constructed in a way that conditions you to believe these are the only alternatives.

As a humoristic example of a binary dilemma, imagine a woman asking her boyfriend’s opinion on her new dress. If she phrases her question as “does this make me look fat or thin?”, there is no way for the hapless man to offer a pleasing answer.

If the example seems familiar, it’s taken from my post on the only game in town fallacy. However, whereas that post only focused on the fallacy, the focus of this post will be on avoiding binary dilemmas.

Moreover, the concept of a binary dilemma transcends a mere discussion between two people, having far wider consequences. Think of media, social media, social conditioning, misinformation, and ways to control public opinion.

Importantly, whereas in the example with the dress there is likely no intention to deceive, binary dilemmas are nearly always precisely constructed to make it appear as if there were no alternative.

binary dilemmas
A binary dilemma strives to convince you that there is no other alternative

How to Less Is More in Fiction

February 15, 2021

Notice how the title of this post is an example in itself. I didn’t say “How to Do ‘Less Is More’ in Fiction”, or anything like that. Yet still, you figured it out. The meaning was conveyed.

Of course, this blog post is nonfiction, which makes it about facts. Fiction is about affect, which makes “less is more” even more crucial.


But because learning how to “less is more” in fiction allows you precisely to strip any excess preoccupation with facts and focus on conveying this affect.

I have partly talked about this before, mostly in my posts on narrative exposition and over-explaining, so feel free to take a look at those two posts as well. You’d also learn a lot reading about the lessons from my poem shuffler program.

In this post, we’ll instead focus more on, well, how to less is more in fiction. In other words, I’ll show you some practical tips on how to make sure you strategically withhold some truths from your readers.

less is more in fiction
Less is more in fiction means to forget meaningless details and focus on the truly affective part of your text; what makes your readers feel, think, and reflect

A Modern Text Adventure Game: Mansion Escape v2, in Your Browser!

February 8, 2021

Yes, I’ve got some really important news! As a name, Mansion Escape might be familiar to you, if you’ve played its first iteration on Android. But I decided to take this to a whole new level. Mansion Escape is dead, long live Mansion Escape! A modern text adventure game, in the style of the early computer-game era, but updated for modern audiences, with attractive visuals, immersing sounds, and enhanced playability.

More importantly, this is no longer just an Android app. This is a game you can play in any modern browser, be it on mobile, desktop, PC, Mac, or Linux. You can save on your mobile and continue from your PC. Is that cool or what?

But what does a modern text adventure videogame include? What is it about? And where can you try it?

Read on to find out!

modern text adventure
What should a modern text adventure look like? Well, like Mansion Escape of course!