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The Other Side of Dreams (New Literary Fiction Novel)

March 19, 2018

OK, picture this: you’ve just won the lottery. Imagine the feeling of unreality pervading you, the surreal knowledge that your wildest dreams are becoming true. Now, what if I told you that no fate is worse than seeing your dreams come true? Welcome to The Other Side of Dreams, my newest literary fiction novel.

The Other Side of Dreams is a book following my tradition of literary fiction novels that focus on the individual. If you take a look at my Goodreads profile, you will see that my work revolves around the themes of the repressed past, the impossibility of choices, flawed men and determined women. That was the blueprint for To Cross an Ocean: Apognosis and it is for The Other Side of Dreams as well. Furthermore, although this newest novel can be read completely independently from Apognosis, the reader will encounter some familiar faces and settings.

the other side of dreams

Plot Is Overrated, so Write what Matters

March 7, 2018

I often go to Amazon’s Best-Sellers List to find free Kindle eBooks.(Not anymore; local library beats Amazon any day). The problem is, as I explained in my article on the supply and demand of writing fiction, that there is simply too much noise out there. That is, too many mediocre works.

“Hang on!” someone might say. “How on earth can you tell a book is mediocre simply by reading its description?” Well, you can if you’re experienced enough. A long, divulging description usually tells me that the author is preoccupied with the plot. But plot is overrated, grossly so.

Furthermore, bear in mind that long descriptions usually reveal something else, too. A long description is usually a sign of an author who has concocted a plot so convoluted, that it requires a long description to make sense to the prospective reader. Too complex a plot is hard to write and harder to read. Here’s what most inexperienced authors don’t realize:

All plots have been devised already. There is nothing new under the sun. There is no original story by virtue of its plot.

So, if a writer shouldn’t place too much emphasis on the plot, where then? If plot is overrated, what are good novels based on?

plot is overrated
This is what an inexperienced writer’s plot looks like. If this image looks familiar, you’ve probably seen it on my article explicating the chaos of meaning

How to Review a Book Fairly

February 28, 2018

As a reader, a writer, and a former academic, I have encountered countless reviews, from various perspectives. I have written reviews for other authors, I have received reviews for my own books, and I have also read many reviews in general. And let me tell you this: most people don’t know how to review a book.

That is, they don’t know how to review a book fairly.

A fair review is useful to the author and other readers alike. Conversely, an unfair review isn’t useful to anyone – and it shouldn’t affect an author (though realistically it often does). In today’s post we’ll take a closer look at what it means to review a novel fairly, and how one can learn to do it. Sneak preview: Leave your personal preferences out of it.

how to review a book fairly
A fair and honest book review cannot be predicated on whether you liked the novel or not