This post continues – after quite some time – the “Authors Talk” series. You can think of it as an author interview and, indeed, that is the name of the blog category. However, I prefer to see it as a friendly chat between fellow authors. Today I’m having this virtual discussion with David Maxwell, author of The Drift. A list of useful links to David’s work can be found at the end of this post.
David Maxwell’s The Drift is a dystopian science fiction thriller(more…)
Tell Me, Mariner is a collection of short stories I’ve recently put together. More still, it’s a collection of what I refer to as transcendent short stories. If you remember “1992”, that I recently published here, it’s part of this very collection.
This collection features The Mariner, a character who is very special in my work, for reasons that become clearer to readers of this volume. In a nutshell, The Mariner is a character that is, quite literally, central in many of my novels. He’s not a main character in any of them, and he’s not even literally present in all of them – though he is figuratively present. Recall what we’ve said about style and authorial trademarks.
If all this sounds abstract, remember that this is a collection of transcendent short stories. Part metaphorical, part magical-realism, part Kafkaesque.
Tell Me, Mariner is a collection of transcendent short stories – stories where “what it feels like” is more important than “what it is”(more…)
Today’s post on how to transcend genre in fiction is authored by Igor da Silva Livramento, friend and fellow writer, academic, and creative-writing advisor. He’s also a composer, music theorist, and producer. You can find him on LinkedIn, and also take a look at his blog and his page on Bandcamp.
In today’s entry, I will discuss (albeit quickly) something that has bothered me for a long time: The genre/literary fiction split. I’ll try to propose solutions for that, including some writing exercises to get those creative juices flowing on our way to transcending genreBy the way I phrased it, you may notice I consider literary fiction a genre too. Food for thought, eh?.
The light, the composition, and the colors of this photo, all point in specific directions in terms of affective response. Genre isn’t very different. But just as we can transcend the qualitative nature of affective responses in a photo, so we can transcend those of genre(more…)