The term “beta readers” refers to people who read your novel before you publish it. They can be invaluable in helping you find problems in your fiction. That is, if you know how to use beta readers in the first place.
You see, most authors have a rather flawed idea of what a beta reader does. For many authors, a beta reader is someone who tells you whether your book is “good or bad”. If you don’t find that idea stupid, you really need to see my post on “good and bad” books.
Indeed, one reason why authors use beta readers is simply to get an advanced rating or review. That’s fine – as you’ll see later, getting advanced reviews for my fiction is basically the only reason I’ve personally used beta readers – but that’s not what a beta reader is there for.
In today’s post we’ll take a look at how to use beta readers skillfully. That is, how to use a beta reader to actually identify problem areas and fix them, rather than just hear “I liked it!” or get a 5-star review.