December 14, 2020
Review of The Perfect Gray
This review of The Perfect Gray is obviously not mine – though it would’ve been an interesting exercise to try to review my own novel. Still, this particular review of The Perfect Gray is offered by my friend and fellow academic, author, and creative-writing advisor, Igor da Silva Livramento. Check out his papers on, his music on Bandcamp, and his personal musings on his blog – in Portuguese, Spanish/Castilian, and English. You can also find him on LinkedIn.
Important Note: At the beginning of the process, when I asked Igor if he’d like to review The Perfect Gray, I set down two imperative requirements: i) he would have complete editorial freedom; ii) similarly, he would have full freedom to critique The Perfect Gray as he objectively saw it. What follows from this point on, is his personal, independent review of The Perfect Gray as he saw it. I have only offered some very minor formatting recommendations, for consistency within the blog. I have also suggested the added links to other blog posts.
The Perfect Gray Novel
Unassuming title, aye? To be fair, it is accurate by my book (pun intended).
I must admit: I didn’t expect it to be such a good novel. I simply had to drop everything I was reading to beat The Perfect Gray as quickly as possible. It had been over a year since I’d read something so intense, exciting, memorable – simply unforgettable.

Where Should I Begin?
The language is spectacular: You will not read something as fluid and pleasant, free and smooth as this book. Okay, maybe we can find something like that in commercial literature, but we are talking about a text with substance, you know? A text with depth, with meaning. Better: a text capable of producing and inciting many meanings. It has meanings and senses in abundance! What more could you want?
Yes, it’s true, perhaps you want a plot well designed. Well, you will have it. Are you doubting? Shut your mouth! There’s a lot of literary fiction with great plots! The Perfect Gray is the best recent example, but certainly not the only one. Well, I need to correct myself: It’s the only example of this kind in 2020. And it’s the best of its kind.
Dressed as a Waiter to Better Serve You
What more do you want, my good customer? French fries to go with it? No? Ah! Symbolism! Right, a lot of symbolism and a cold beer for a side. Yes, you’ll be very well served, leaving the reading with a round and full belly, satisfied.
Yes, I’m writing it down, yes, I paid attention, yes… Enough characters to empathize, but nothing more than that, so you’re able to retain them all in memory. Leave it to us, the boss got a good deal on this one! The exact amount of characters to feel like you’re in their shoes, the appropriate amount, no excesses nor faults.
And the characters have to be very well defined, with psychological depth and richness of structure? Yes! You have come to the right place! The first-person narration is deeply immersive, the characters are credible – I caught myself feeling their presence around me when I wasn’t reading. You can’t even fathom the intensity of that! It’s one damn powerful book!
For dessert you want… Ah, yes… I wrote it right: plenty conflict. Yes, an extra dose of conflict. Two doses? Okay, it’s your order! There is as much conflict as you want! The novel is tense from beginning to end, with emotional rests strategically positioned for the best enjoyment of the trip, ergonomically designed to suit the anatomy of the soul. A master’s design, no doubt about it.
So, let’s check your request, to make sure I wrote it down correctly? Good, let’s do it. Do you want an exciting and intense novel, deep and profound, complex and thought-provoking, capable of making you feel and reflect in one go, all provided in a pleasurable and amusing language, entertaining and delighting while it makes you think and contemplate? Confirmed. Your request is ready. It is called: The Perfect Gray.
I assure you: It is the best recipe in the house! It remains for you to enjoy this inimitable delicacy. The best literary fiction released this year of 2020 – at least by my (unusually high) standards. What are you waiting for?
Most of my fiction is available as an immediate free download – simply visit the Fiction page on the main site. And remember, you can also just email me and ask for a free, no-strings-attached (e.g. review etc.) digital copy of any of my books.
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