Some time ago, I read a book that shall remain unnamed (and so will its author). The implied deal was that I would read the book for free, in exchange for a review. I read the book and came up with a detailed review trying to offer several points that would help the author as well as any prospective readers. But one should know how to receive feedback before asking for a review. Otherwise, unexpected things might happen!
In this case, after reading the review, the author asked me not to publish it on Goodreads. The rating I would have offered for the book in question would have been a 3/5 stars. As always, I review and rate from the perspective of the intended audience. But the author kindly asked me not to publish the review anyway.
How to Receive Feedback: Learn to Separate between Subjective and Objective
I respected the writer’s wish and didn’t publish the review. What disappointed me the most wasn’t the fact that I couldn’t publish a review I put some effort in. Rather – and perhaps naturally, for an educator – I was sad because I got the feeling the author didn’t understand the subtle difference between liking/disliking a book and reviewing it.