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Review of Travels in the Scriptorium

October 10, 2018

Travels in the Scriptorium: the Basics

A review of Travels in the Scriptorium, by Paul Auster, should begin by mentioning a fact: it is not your regular story. Moreover, it is not your regular Paul Auster story. Those familiar with Paul Auster’s work should realize a thing or two by this statement.

For others, let me underline some things. Travels in the Scriptorium is not a story with a typical beginning, narrative evolution, or ending. So far so good. Now, hold tight. Paul Auster’s novella is not a story at all.

Let me repeat that, just so that it sinks in. Travels in the Scriptorium is not a story.

What is it, then, you will ask. Well, let’s see.

Travels in the Scriptorium
On the surface, the story revolves around madness. Deep down, it’s about controlled madness