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Nostalgia: The Illusion of Space-Time

December 23, 2017

I don’t want to reveal my exact age, but I am not young. I am not old, either – although, perhaps this latter claim would automatically categorize me as old. In any case, I am at an age where I can look back and have a concept of nostalgia, of memories, of childhood.

I also have an uncannily good memory – which is a blessing for a writer. This memory is in fact multi-layered: Not only do I remember the past, but I remember myself in the past thinking about the past.

Nostalgia. Sunset
The place I spent most of my summers as a kid. But nostalgia is neither about the place, nor about me being a kid.

Literature, Gothic Doubles and Facebook

December 12, 2017

Literature – and the Gothic in particular – is my field of expertise. Facebook and social media might be yours. But to the question “what is common between a Gothic double and Facebook”, you might think: “Nothing”. Then, you might start wondering whether I’m referring to some cat photo. After all, doesn’t that account for probably half of all Facebook photos posted?

In actual fact, I’m having something far more intricate in mind.

Literature: Gothic Double
In Gothic literature, things aren’t always what they seem