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What Is Anthropocentrism: Examples, Problems, Solutions

March 14, 2022

Many of us think they’re individually the center of the universe. The irony is, they might be right, but that’s a discussion for another day. The same concept in a wider context is called anthropocentrism. In simple terms, anthropocentrism is the assumption that humans are the most important entities in the universe.

The problem is not so much the belief itself. After all, many of us would likely consider the possibility that other life forms exist in the universe. Probably many of us would also consider the possibility that alien life forms not only exist but are as or even more intelligent than we are.

So, is anthropocentrism “a thing”? Does it really exist?

The question is yes, indirectly. And that’s what makes it insidious. In other words, the true danger of anthropocentrism arises from the fact that it’s subconscious: We’re often not aware we express anthropocentric behavior. That is, we might state we don’t think humans are the center of the universe, we might really believe it, too, yet we act and think as if we were.

So let’s take a look at what anthropocentrism really is, together with examples of anthropocentric behavior. We’ll see what kind of problems such behavior produces, and what some possible solutions could be.

The problem with anthropocentrism is not so much the belief we’re truly the center of the universe – or any context; such as our own planet – but that we act as if we were

Why It’s OK to Suck at Writing (or Anything, Really)

November 22, 2021

Forgive the lame title, I suck at coming up with proper ones – though I seem to have a talent for self-reference. Today’s post will be about feeling taken aback by our perceived lack of skill in writing, singing, drawing, or anything, really. Though the focus will be mostly on writing – and so the implicit thesis is: “Why it’s OK to suck at writing” – the lessons are applicable everywhere.

Indeed, inspiration for this post came after I saw something remarkable on YouTube (I’ll share it with you in a moment) that made me question my guitar skills. Question? More like, wanting to sell my guitars and never touch one again for as long as I live.

I then realized that similar feelings can be inspired regarding writing. The ultimate takeaway, as we’ll see, is this: Comparing skills in artistic processes is very thin ice.

suck writing
You might think you suck at writing (I do too, sometimes), and I experienced something that made me feel I suck at playing guitar. But it made me think, and that’s a good (meta-)lesson for this post

How to Write a Novel about… – Three Questions Answered

November 8, 2021

Remember that post about five questions people ask Google about Dracula? It was inspired by Google’s autocomplete feature that reveals the most common questions about a certain topic as you begin typing. This leaves room for incredible stupidity – I’ve discovered people ask Google “Is the moon made of cheese?Perhaps I should’ve said "ignorance" instead of "stupidity". It’s plausible – a well-meaning individual might say – that the question is asked by very young children. On the other hand, I have a great memory, I remember my childhood very well, and I can assure you, though there was no internet when I was a kid, I certainly didn’t think the moon was made of cheese. Parenthetically, other questions are "Is the moon a planet?" and "Is the moon a star?"” – however it’s also an interesting tool for social research. In today’s post, I examine three questions beginning with “How to write a novel about…”

As with the Dracula post, starting this one I have no idea what I’ll get if I begin typing “how to write a novel about”, so I’ll brace myself and begin. Let’s get started!

How to write a novel about
How to write a novel about…