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The Grownup Paradox – Am I still a Child?

December 31, 2017

I remember it very vividly: when I was a kid, it really felt there was a threshold between me and the grownups; a curtain, separating me from, presumably, all my hopes, dreams, and desires. I characteristically remember thinking that there would come one day when I would be a grownup. But there is a paradox awaiting there, which I will refer to as the grownup paradox.

grownup paradox
Can grownups play in the sand?

Nostalgia: The Illusion of Space-Time

December 23, 2017

I don’t want to reveal my exact age, but I am not young. I am not old, either – although, perhaps this latter claim would automatically categorize me as old. In any case, I am at an age where I can look back and have a concept of nostalgia, of memories, of childhood.

I also have an uncannily good memory – which is a blessing for a writer. This memory is in fact multi-layered: Not only do I remember the past, but I remember myself in the past thinking about the past.

Nostalgia. Sunset
The place I spent most of my summers as a kid. But nostalgia is neither about the place, nor about me being a kid.

Zombies and Dehumanization

December 17, 2017

The ideas explicated in the following text might to an extent be embarrassingly obvious to many fans of zombie narratives or experienced literature students and academics. But allow me to speculate that there is a significant number of people who have not considered these ideas. It is for their benefit I offer the following short analysis of what zombies can stand for.

Zombies invading your literature
Zombies are a popular topic of today’s narratives. Have you wondered why?