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A JavaScript Demotivational Quote Generator

December 6, 2021

There’s a lot to like on the internet, and a lot to hate. To be fair, this is more of a pet peeve of mine (there are far more annoying and dangerous things out there), but I hate it still. I’m talking about those inspiring quotes, complete with images of butterflies and dramatic skies and believe-in-yourself-you-can-do-its. That’s why I thought to make this little JavaScript Demotivational Quote Generator.

I guess the reason I hate such designs is because they summarize some of the things I truly loathe, such as hypocrisy and the scourge that is simple answers to complex questions. Everything today, every experience and every instance of thought seems to be condensable into a neatly packaged, context-free sentence. It’s truly disgusting, and I mean that the same way Slavoj Žižek expertly expressed:

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And so, I decided to do something about it. It seems any idiot can pair together some fancy words and some nice images, so why not this one. The whole thing is a bit like making up a horoscope, truly. So, with these in mind, let me show you what I made.

JavaScript Demotivational Quote Generator
No JavaScript Demotivational Quote Generator is complete without cats!

How to Make a Random Quote Generator

June 5, 2019

Although today’s topic doesn’t have to do with literature, society, the Gothic, or writings tips, in some abstract way, it does. Although this post is a technical step-by-step guide on how to make a JavaScript random quote generator, it’s also yet another reminder that creativity (like knowledge) is a holistic process.

In other words, there aren’t “areas” of creativity, neatly isolated from one another. There isn’t a creativity related to fiction writing, another related to academic writing, and yet another related to developing Android apps. There is only one form of creativity, and the more efficiently you can combine its different facets, the better.

make a random quote generator
To “outsiders” code appears as something akin to witchcraft. Things are stunningly simpler once you get past the surface

Chances are, if you found this post you care more about the JavaScript code, so I won’t tire you with theorizing – if you’re interested in philosophy, feel free to take a look at the many posts dealing with philosophical musings.

Having said that, this post still wants to make a more theoretical point, namely that what appears difficult and incomprehensible (like coding) can be very simple. Therefore, I will be a bit… verbose in my explanations, trying to help beginners keep up.

So, let’s get to the details of how to make a random quote generator written in JavaScript.
